We are a group of researchers at Carnegie Mellon University. We are designing a usable security and privacy label for smart devices to help consumers make informed choices about Internet of Things device purchases and encourage manufacturers to disclose their privacy and security practices. Our label design is based on multiple rounds of input from both experts and consumers. If you want to share the summary of the label project with your team, we prepared a one-page handout.
We are releasing our label under a Creative Commons CC0 license. Please visit the Licensing tab for more information.
We’re looking for IoT devices to label!
IoT device manufactures: Show your commitment to security and privacy and be one of the first to try
label generator
to create labels for your products. Please send us your questions and
feedback, and let us know if you would like your label to be
on our website.
Watch our video!
Our designed label includes information on privacy and security practices of the smart device, such as the type of data the device collects and whether or not the device gets automatic security updates. In addition to privacy and security information, our label includes some general information about the device, such as the firmware version and whether the device can function without internet connectivity.
We have designed a
two-layer label
includes a simple, understandable primary layer for consumers and a more
detailed secondary layer that includes information important to experts.
The primary layer is designed to be affixed to device packaging or shown
on an online shopping website, while the secondary layer can be accessed
online via a URL or QR code.
Click on the label below to toggle between primary (overview) and secondary (details) layer.
Yuvraj Agarwal attended the launch event of the "US Cyber Trust Mark" for IoT devices at the White House today. The live streamed event featured our video envisioning the consumer journey for an IoT label and Yuvraj's statement on our IoT label research. See the CyLab Article for details!
Yuvraj Agarwal presented our IoT Labels work at the IoT labeling summit organized at the White House! Incredibly grateful to be invited to the event and to present our work! We are making our Presentatation available.
Our paper: "Are Consumers Willing To Pay For Security And Privacy Of IoT Devices?" has been accepted to the 32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX'23)
Yuvraj Agarwal and Lorrie Cranor present our IoT Labels work to the GSMA (GSM Association) Device Security Group (DSG).
Yuvraj Agarwal and Lorrie Cranor presented our IoT Labels work to the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA), the group working on the new Matter standard for IoT.